2021 Critter Pic of the Day Archive

Feature graphic with an orange cat, a black cat, a tuxedo cat, and a rottweiler all looking into the camera.

2021 is here at last. After the unmitigated horror show that was 2020, everyone needs a steady supply of cute to recuperate. We’re here to help!

If you click through the 2021 Critter Pic of the Day archive, you’ll smile a little bit, and if you smile a little bit, we’ve all made the world a bit better, haven’t we?

If you don’t smile a little bit, you clearly don’t like cute things, and in that case, you can move along, thank you very much!

January, 2021

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2021: Jan | Feb | Mar | Apr | May | Jun | Jul | Aug | Sep | Oct | Nov | Dec

  • CPotD #340: Rerolling for 2021 (1/1/2021) - If you know me at all, you know I love to play video games. If you know me really well, you know I love to constantly create new characters.
  • CPotD #341: Jumping into the New Year Like… (1/2/2021) - We took Udo out to play in the snow in our front yard this morning. He loves the snow, so was very enthusiastic. Look at this beast.
  • CPotD #342: Day Seized (1/3/2021) - We spend a lot of time lately getting ready for our move, so we consider it good when we manage to get a lot done. Yesterday was such a day.
  • CPotD #343: Rest Day (1/4/2021) - Apparently, I failed to kick last week's crud, so I'm under the weather again. Luckily for me, our intrepid guard dog doubles as a nurse dog.
  • CPotD #344: Double Shift (1/5/2021) - My fuzzy nurses work hard to help me feel better, sometimes even doubling up to make sure I stay put. Oscar and Stanley are serious about it.
  • CPotD #345: Handsome (1/6/2021) - I often tell Udo that he's the cutest dog in the universe, and I find this to be true. Look at this face and tell me you don't see it.
  • CPotD #346: Triple Threat (1/7/2021) - Between work, move prep, and fighting off the crud, we accomplished a lot yesterday. The cats rewarded me by piling onto my lap. Much cuddle.
  • CPotD #347: Gozer the Destructor (1/8/2021) - Oscar has yet another nickname thanks to his love of chewing boxes. Specifically, he loves to destroy Amazon boxes. He earned this nickname.
  • CPotD #348: Assistant Manager (1/9/2021) - Nutterbutter barges onto my lap at every opportunity these days. He's seen moving prep before and is getting his snugs in while he can.
  • CPotD #349: Brother Pillow (1/10/2021) - We started training the cats with their carriers this week so they'll be more comfortable with travel during the move. They kinda like them.
  • CPotD #350: Post-Training Snugs (1/11/2021) - The post-training snugs continued as the weekend came to a close. I was once again trapped under a pile of snuggly cats: oh, the felinity.
  • CPotD #351: Burrito Kitten (1/12/2021) - Oscar loves the burrito blanket that Brian got me for Christmas. He spends most evenings lately crashed out on my tortilla-clad lap.
  • CPotD #352: Small Sentinel (1/13/2021) - Oscar takes his guard duties very seriously, especially when we go in and out of the house repeatedly. During move prep, this happens a lot.
  • CPotD #353: Regal Bear (1/14/2021) - I flopped in the floor for some choice Oscar-in-a-sunbeam shots the other morning. Udo helped, of course, so I also captured him being regal.
  • CPotD #354: Sun Loaf (1/15/2021) - We left the dining room table in its Christmas configuration after putting away the tree because it gives us extra space for move prep.
  • CPotD #355: Luxurious (1/16/2021) - Stanley lounges with authority and always looks luxurious while doing so. He usually shares my lap with Oscar or Nutterbutter. Grudgingly.
  • CPotD #356: What? (1/17/2021) - Stanley woke up as I took pictures of Oscar the other day. The result is a picture of a cute tuxedo with a butthead.
  • CPotD #357: Emperor’s New Snooze (1/18/2021) - We moved the cat carriers to the bay window so the cats can continue getting used to them and still enjoy sunbeams. Stanley says it's a win.
  • CPotD #358: Zonked (1/19/2021) - We worked hard this weekend and today, and we will again tomorrow. Getting the house ready to list is an effort for all of us. We're tired.
  • CPotD #359: Toy Boy (1/20/2021) - As part of the great purge prior to moving, we sorted through Udo's toys and tossed the ratty ones. To compensate, he got a new crinkle leaf.
  • CPotD #360: Mini Defender (1/21/2021) - I laid down for a quick rest last night while trying to get pictures of Oscar and Stanley snugging. Udo tried to barge in; Oscar defended.
  • CPotD #361: Over It (1/22/2021) - The house is in a bit of turmoil with all the move prep and getting the house ready to list. Nutterbutter has decided he's over it.
  • CPotD #362: Little Brother (1/23/2021) - Stanley often gets annoyed with his little brother. He's well within his rights to. Oscar can be a righteous pill, but Stan still guards him.
  • CPotD #363: A Port in the Storm (1/24/2021) - Nutterbutter established a new fort for himself amidst all the move prep hubbub. Fortunately, Brian noticed him in here. Panic averted.
  • CPotD #364: Test Case (1/25/2021) - What better way to spend a Sunday morning than testing your new air mattress while watching a satellite launch? I even had lots of help.
  • CPotD #365: Nose Tuck (1/26/2021) - After a busy day with baking and two house showings, we all decided to have a chill post-dinner snug session last night. We needed it.
  • CPotD #366: Box Brothers (1/27/2021) - In yet another random act of fortressing, Nutterbutter chose Wolfie's old bed as his latest hangout. Oscar found this as strange as we do.
  • CPotD #367: Beautiful Jerk (1/28/2021) - Nutterbutter proved he can fit in the box and look handsomely pensive. He did this while enjoying afternoon sunbeams; it's peak multitasking.
  • CPotD #368: Break Time (1/29/2021) - We took a quick afternoon break today to catch our breath and de-stress. The cats clearly thought this was a fantastic idea.
  • CPotD #369: We Were All Young, Once (1/30/2021) - Selling a home and moving is stressful. I want a cute freaking kitten to help this morning, so you all get a throwback picture!
  • CPotD #370: Smiling Sleeper (1/31/2021) - Post-dinner multi-snugs happen every night now, and I love them. These two have bonded thoroughly despite driving each other batty.

February, 2021

Jump to: | Today | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | The Beginning |

2021: Jan | Feb | Mar | Apr | May | Jun | Jul | Aug | Sep | Oct | Nov | Dec

  • CPotD #371: Smug Panther (2/1/2021) - Stanley lives to steal my chair, even when he has to share it with his little brother. Spoiler: he always has to share it.
  • CPotD #372: Cute Alert (2/2/2021) - Last night's post-dinner snug reached critical mass in cuteness. My heart was one beat away from popping. Fortunately, he moved.
  • CPotD #373: Internet Problems? (2/3/2021) - Oscar didn't come out to say good morning. Then I noticed our wifi didn't seem to be working. The whole network seemed to be down, actually.
  • CPotD #374: Bunny Terrorism (2/4/2021) - Oscar's an idiot, but he bounced back from 36 hours of terror to become a little bunny-kicking-terrorist in his own right.
  • CPotD #375: He’s Dead, Jim (2/5/2021) - Being a productive member of society offends the dog. So much so that the dog collapsed on my feet and promptly expired when he thought I was getting up.
  • CPotD #376: New Jeans (2/6/2021) - I got some new jeans this week because my old ones were victims of the move prep (i.e., I wore holes in them). Stanley saw fit to bless them.
  • CPotD #377: Teefies (2/7/2021) - Oscar kills me with his inverted sleep positions, especially when he shows his tiny fangs. Just look at those teefies!
  • CPotD #378: Stolen Reward (2/8/2021) - If you've been to our house, you know Stanley loves ice cream. He instantly becomes a yowling maniac and tries to steal as much as possible.
  • CPotD #379: Disgruntled (2/9/2021) - I know we have a lot of Stanley this week, but he's ridiculously photogenic. He gave me his best disgruntled face when I took the ice cream.
  • CPotD #380: Sun Box (2/10/2021) - All three cats like to sleep in Wolfie's old bed these days, especially in the afternoon. Its new name is the Sun Box and Nutter loves it.
  • CPotD #381: Dad Snugs (2/11/2021) - The cats have been handling the move prep really well. Other than some extra snugginess in the evenings, they show no signs of stress. Yay!
  • CPotD #382: Goodbye, Duncan (2/18/2021) - We found Stanley and Kewpie curled up together in Heather's chair, being cute and refusing to let her have her blanket.
  • CPotD #383: Cold Plunge (2/19/2021) - The Grand Adventure of our lives begins, punctuated by the soft purr of three cats who spent their last night at home splashed across us like furry paint, loving and doting in their inscrutable, mysterious way.
  • CPotD #384: To California with a Kitten on My Knee (2/20/2021) - Our night in New Mexico would best be described as a Rob Zombie album. It was loud, everything shook, and we weren't sure we'd survive.
  • CPotD #385: A New Home Waits (2/21/2021) - We steamroll through the fiery freeways of Southern California. Like an angry, stinky meteor, we were coming to Carson, one way or another.
  • CPotD #386: Echo! (2/22/2021) - Early in the afternoon, the menagerie arrived at our new home. The cats were over it. We were over it. But we made it.
  • CPotD #387: Settling In (2/23/2021) - The Cat has returned! We've been making steady progress with settling into the new place. Everyone likes it so far, especially Oscar.
  • CPotD #388: Exploration (2/24/2021) - After a brief distrustful pause, the cats threw themselves into exploring the new house. Nutterbutter has exhibited unusual gusto for this.
  • CPotD #389: Helpful (2/25/2021) - Oscar loves to help me with whatever I'm doing. Usually, that help takes the form of active interference or a chunky nap. Today it's the nap.
  • CPotD #390: Gotcha Day (2/26/2021) - Yesterday was Udo's Gotcha Day! We brought him home four years ago and he's been our steadfast guardian and Joy Boy ever since.
  • CPotD #391: The Mat (2/27/2021) - A couple of years ago, I bought a cheap doormat for Brian to put his flight pedals on. He never got to use it for that purpose because cats.
  • CPotD #392: Happy Love Snugs (2/28/2021) - The cats like the new house, and they've all been extra affectionate since we arrived here. Stanley exemplifies this happy love attitude.

March, 2021

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2021: Jan | Feb | Mar | Apr | May | Jun | Jul | Aug | Sep | Oct | Nov | Dec

April, 2021

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2021: Jan | Feb | Mar | Apr | May | Jun | Jul | Aug | Sep | Oct | Nov | Dec

  • CPotD #424: You Can’t Sit With Us (4/1/2021) - Stanley often joins Oscar for his morning patio stakeouts. These sessions always devolve into slap-fights, but the guys enjoy them anyway.
  • CPotD #425: Small (4/2/2021) - Udo loves to lay in the bed with us. His favorite thing is to flop on my pillow and pretend to be small so I won't make him move.
  • CPotD #426: Contested Rug (4/3/2021) - Nutterbutter enjoys morning patio time, especially when the door is open to let in the breeze. He does not enjoy sharing the rug with Oscar.
  • CPotD #427: Of Snugs and Offense (4/4/2021) - Nutterbutter stole my chair again and Udo parked me on the couch, so I decided to sit a while and enjoy a snug with my bear dog.
  • CPotD #428: Home Security Panther (4/5/2021) - Stanley claimed the top of the new cat tower pretty quickly and has maintained his rule ever since. He guards us from there many hours a day.
  • CPotD #429: Ready for Closeup (4/6/2021) - Along with being a fierce protector and snugglebug, Udo is a photogenic beast. However, he hates having his picture taken... unless bribed.
  • CPotD #430: The Back 40 (4/7/2021) - The cats love to monitor the bird activity on both sides of the house. Sometimes Udo scares away the prey with his complete lack of stealth.
  • CPotD #431: Dog Bed, Cat Bed (4/8/2021) - Oscar steals Udo's bed all the time, and his criminal behavior is catching on. Nutterbutter curled up in it so he could hassle me in comfort.
  • CPotD #432: Old Man Sunbeam (4/9/2021) - Nutterbutter managed to get the rug and the sunbeam to himself this morning. He was so happy about this he didn't even glare at the camera.
  • CPotD #433: A Kingly Gift (4/10/2021) - As I flopped in the floor taking Nutter's picture yesterday, Oscar sauntered in with a gift for me: his favorite grapevine.
  • CPotD #434: Whump (4/11/2021) - Oscar retained his kitten tendency to fall over when he gets too tired. He doesn't do it very often, but when he does, it is glorious.
  • CPotD #435: Tiny Roar (4/12/2021) - Oscar flopped in the hammock yesterday afternoon, so I attempted to get a picture of him being cute. He woke up, so instead I got this.
  • CPotD #436: Pure Love (4/13/2021) - Stanley decided my lap was the place to be for coffee sits this morning. He doesn't usually snuggle this hard, so I was completely undone.
  • CPotD #437: My View (4/14/2021) - Udo guards me constantly. Sometimes he guards from a door or window, and sometimes he guards from zero distance. Mostly from zero distance.
  • CPotD #438: Relocated Fort (4/15/2021) - When we arranged the living room in the new place, I tried to keep certain things the same for the cats to help with their acclimation.
  • CPotD #439: Perilously Cute (4/16/2021) - Being an unpredictable house panther, Stanley loves belly rubs. They knock him right into a sleep so blissful he forgets his dignity.
  • CPotD #440: Tiny Foreman Sentinel (4/17/2021) - Our neighbors are having some work done on their house and Oscar thinks he needs to supervise the crew. He is a consummate busybody.
  • CPotD #441: Camaraderie (4/18/2021) - Stanley and Nutterbutter don't have the most loving relationship, but they do agree on one thing: dinner. Specifically, dinner should be now.
  • CPotD #442: Sleepy Sentinel (4/19/2021) - Oscar is back with more sweet hammock action! Or sweet hammock inaction, to be accurate. He loves to guard the house from that spot.
  • CPotD #443: New Toy Joy Boi (4/20/2021) - Udo received a new toy this weekend, and he is super happy about it. We retired his old rope before the move because it was in tatters.
  • CPotD #444: Walk Away (4/21/2021) - Brian got some excellent shots of Oscar murdering one of the kick toys this weekend. Being a cat, Oscar disapproves of photographic evidence.
  • CPotD #445: Utterly Zonked (4/22/2021) - We're over two years in now and Oscar still surprises me with the total abandon he displays while sleeping. Look at this little lunatic.
  • CPotD #446: Still Zonked (4/23/2021) - As I said yesterday, location doesn't matter. Oscar zonks wherever the mood strikes him, and it is always this glorious. His talent is tops.
  • CPotD #447: Cheesing (4/24/2021) - Stanley lives in the eternal hope for cheese. Every time he hears one of us in the kitchen, he takes his position on the island.
  • CPotD #448: Chilling (4/25/2021) - Stanley knows how to do Lazy Sunday right. He hangs out in my chair a lot lately, and he decided to sit with Brian this way for 30 minutes.
  • CPotD #449: Small Nurse (4/26/2021) - I got my second round of COVID vaccine on Wednesday, and it knocked me for a loop. Oscar helps by parking his little butt on my shoulder.
  • CPotD #450: Large Nurse (4/27/2021) - Stanley also helps me feel better by making me stay put. His talent for infinitely increasing his 20-pound mass ensures I don't go anywhere.
  • CPotD #451: Extra-Large Nurse (4/28/2021) - I feel much better after my weekend of rest and snuggles, but the nurses are not yet satisfied. Udo allows me to do desk work, but that's it.
  • CPotD #452: Impatient (4/29/2021) - Like many senior felines, Nutterbutter prefers his dinner early. And by early, he means right after lunch. Look at the mean mug he gave me.
  • CPotD #453: Shapeshifting (4/30/2021) - Everyone knows cats are shapeshifters. They can alter their form and mass to fit any container, and they can also become semi-corporeal.

May, 2021

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2021: Jan | Feb | Mar | Apr | May | Jun | Jul | Aug | Sep | Oct | Nov | Dec

  • CPotD #454: Melted (5/1/2021) - Nutterbutter decided to move his dinner campaign to my desk yesterday because the Chair Stare didn't work fast enough. He melted in the heat.
  • CPotD #455: Ultra-Puff (5/2/2021) - Oscar tends to ridge his back and puff his tail when he's super affectionate. This happens often, but is difficult to photograph.
  • CPotD #456: Fuzzy Mic (5/3/2021) - Oscar and Stanley gang up on me sometimes when they feel that dinner is just entirely too late. Yesterday, they stole Brian's chair yet again.
  • CPotD #457: Comfortable On Duty (5/4/2021) - Stanley guards the house with style and beauty. Since he kept chucking his pillow from the the cat tree, I put it on the coffee table for him.
  • CPotD #458: Doggy in Waiting (5/5/2021) - I worked at the office the other day rather than at home. Udo does not appreciate the long day of waiting between my drop-off and pick-up.
  • CPotD #459: Beard Love (5/6/2021) - Oscar loves Brian's beard. He loves to knead it, fangwipe it, and snuggle it. This happens daily, usually in the morning, but it also happened a lot while I was at the office this week.
  • CPotD #460: Kitchen Decadence (5/7/2021) - When he wears himself out demanding early dinner, Stanley commandeers the dining chairs for late afternoon naps. He loves those dang chairs.
  • CPotD #461: Successful Thief (5/8/2021) - Oscar loves to steal our chairs, and he's so cute when he does that he gets to keep them for as long as he wants. How could I ever move him?
  • CPotD #462: Dad Sits (5/9/2021) - Oscar adores Brian and decided that he is the place to be when we're sitting on the love seat. Usually, this takes place on Brian's chest.
  • CPotD #463: Patience (5/10/2021) - Stanley generally disdains patience since he's a big believer in Food Now, but he will happily wait for Sunday breakfast. Cheese AND bacon!
  • CPotD #464: Ahem. (5/11/2021) - Have you ever had one of those just-so-terrible-I-can't-take-it days? The kind of day where You Just Can't Even? Our cats have those every Tuesday.
  • CPotD #465: Desperate Times… (5/12/2021) - As I ate my lunch yesterday, I kept hearing an ominous growling and general ruckus coming from the kitchen. I knew one of the little creeps were up to no good.
  • CPotD #466: Who Wants to Sing? (5/13/2021) - We took a short break yesterday afternoon to engage in a little family sing-a-long session. Brian got a great shot of Udo bursting into song.
  • CPotD #467: Stolen Burrito (5/14/2021) - Nutterbutter commandeered my chair yesterday because of the cool, gray weather. He also took over my tortilla blanket and would not move.
  • CPotD #468: Sleepy Toes (5/15/2021) - We flopped to catch our breath after a big round of housework and Oscar decided to join us. He loves us with his entire fuzzy heart.
  • CPotD #469: Angry Loaf (5/16/2021) - Nutterbutter has been cultivating his angry face to see if I'll give in to his dinner demands earlier. Most days, I offer pets instead.
  • CPotD #470: A Tale of Two Milktops (5/17/2021) - Our cats love to play with the little pull-seals you get in cartons of half and half. We call them milktops, and our house is full of them.
  • CPotD #471: Night Sits (5/18/2021) - Oscar returned to his night-sit habit this weekend, and I'm quite happy about it. While he practiced his carcass pose, I realized he's grown.
  • CPotD #472: Day Sits (5/19/2021) - While Oscar prefers his day sits to be on Brian, Stanley likes to stretch out on my legs. We do this every weekday and we both love it.
  • CPotD #473: Murder on the Dog Bed, Part 1 (5/20/2021) - We had an eventful day at the home office. Stanley stole Udo's bed, Udo pouted, and Oscar tried to eat Stanley. A lengthy ruckus ensued.
  • CPotD #474: Murder on the Dog Bed, Part 2 (5/21/2021) - The tables quickly turned, as they often do when Oscar antagonizes Stan. He found himself on his back at the mercy of an angry house panther.
  • CPotD #475: Murder on the Dog Bed, Part 3 (5/22/2021) - Udo permitted exactly one yell before he ended the ruckus and kicked both cats out of his bed. Not that he was interested in getting into it.
  • CPotD #476: Shoulder Floof (5/23/2021) - Nutterbutter joined us for lunch today and took an impressive nap with his butt on my shoulder. I was quite happy to provide the platform.
  • CPotD #477: He Fits, He Sits (5/24/2021) - Stanley loves shoe boxes. He has since he was a kitten, and his love remains steady even though he's too big to actually fit in them anymore.
  • CPotD #478: Hacker Cat (5/25/2021) - Stanley takes exception to me using my computers lately. His solution is to wedge himself onto or between them to prevent me powering up.
  • CPotD #479: Two-Tiered Cute (5/26/2021) - I've been working at the office a lot the past couple of weeks, and the beasts are taking it well. They grump, but they also snooze cutely.
  • CPotD #480: Helpful Boy (5/27/2021) - Udo loves to help take me to the office. He does not love dropping me off and coming home without me, but Brian has been working with him.
  • CPotD #481: No Lunch, Only Snugs (5/28/2021) - Brian sends me pictures during the work day to let me know how things are going at the house. During lunch, they're usually going like this.
  • CPotD #482: Unrepentant (5/29/2021) - Stanley taught Oscar the joys of cardboard destruction when he was a tiny kitten. Oscar has raised the hobby to an artform.
  • CPotD #483: Lunch Pals (5/30/2021) - Not to be outdone by Oscar, Nutterbutter joined the lunch delay squad this week. He likes to keep Brian company while I'm at work. So smug.
  • CPotD #484: Nose Nibbles (5/31/2021) - Udo considers washing us to be one of his sacred duties. He especially loves to wash my face, and when he does, he has to nibble my nose.

June, 2021

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2021: Jan | Feb | Mar | Apr | May | Jun | Jul | Aug | Sep | Oct | Nov | Dec

  • CPotD #485: Ultrasnug (6/1/2021) - We've been binging The Expanse lately because I'm too tired to do anything brainful by the time I get home. Oscar approves of this activity.
  • CPotD #486: Requesting Access (6/2/2021) - Nutterbutter has a process for snugging us, and it begins with requesting access. He sits next to one of us and applies The Look.
  • CPotD #487: Don’t Even (6/3/2021) - Oscar enjoys an audience while he murders his toys, but he makes sure we aren't going to steal any of those toys. Note the side-eye here.
  • CPotD #488: Excuse You (6/4/2021) - Stanley spends a lot of time in his kitchen fort these days (i.e., the chairs under the table). All of the chairs belong to him. No brothers.
  • CPotD #489: He Fits, He Sits, He Steals (6/5/2021) - In his continuing campaign of thievery and grumpiness, Nutterbutter stole Udo's bed and claimed the entire thing. No one has contested.
  • CPotD #490: Happy Kitchen Boy (6/6/2021) - Udo likes the new house. Even though it's smaller, it has lots of open spaces for him to flop in and smile at me while I do chores.
  • CPotD #491: Tuxedo Sphinx (6/7/2021) - I caught Oscar displaying an excellent sphinx pose while murdering his milk top. He had stopped to menace the doves in the back yard.
  • CPotD #492: Watchful Dozer (6/8/2021) - Udo sleeps a lot while we're busy in the home office, but he tries to stay awake and on top of things. His sleepy face is the cutest.
  • CPotD #493: Rumpled Thief (6/9/2021) - Nutterbutter thinks all my chairs are his, so he gets annoyed when I beat him to a seat. This is his grumpy face for me stealing my own chair.
  • CPotD #494: Early Snugs (6/10/2021) - Oscar created a sleep-snug routine as a kitten and he has stuck to it ever since. He loves to try and prevent us from getting out of bed.
  • CPotD #495: Yes, Hello (6/11/2021) - "We would like one cheese, please." They were watching Brian cook breakfast and waiting for their rightful tribute: cheese. I complied.
  • CPotD #496: Nah (6/12/2021) - A master of adding insult to injury, Nutterbutter stole my chair while I was writing a post about him. He had zero intention of returning it.
  • CPotD #497: Birding (6/13/2021) - A vibrant flock of finches lives in our neighborhood, along with sparrows, titmice, and hummingbirds. Stanley appreciates the bountiful view.
  • CPotD #498: The Rug (6/14/2021) - Oscar loves our kitchen door rug. I believe he would claim it regardless of where it is, but he super loves it being in the big sun patch.
  • CPotD #499: Here to Help (6/15/2021) - Udo dislikes the vacuum cleaner and steam mop, but he loves having clean floors. He follows me at a distance and then poses in the pristine.
  • CPotD #500: Escape Artist (6/16/2021) - A certain little tuxedo cat decided he likes to run out the patio door at every opportunity. He hops daintily away and makes us chase him.
  • CPotD #501: New Bag (6/17/2021) - Stanley lives to lay regally on bags of all shapes, sizes, and textures. He goes through phases with each bag and then retires to a new type.
  • CPotD #502: Kitchen Supervisor (6/18/2021) - Udo likes to keep an eye on us while we cook, both because he loves us and because we might drop food. He's found the best vantage point.
  • CPotD #503: Insufficient (6/19/2021) - Like Udo, Stanley and Oscar love cheese. They receive a little bit each day, and they always find that amount insufficient. They're serious.
  • CPotD #504: Angy Birbs Attak (6/20/2021) - It turns out that all-you-can-eat sugar buffets for birds are REALLY popular here, because we have somewhere between fifteen and twenty hummingbirds roaring through our yard any time the sun is up.
  • CPotD #504: Tower Zonk (6/21/2021) - Oscar likes laundry day. Everyone is home, chores are done, and he gets to zonk out in peace on top of the cat tower. He zonks with gusto.
  • CPotD #505: Tower Zonk Part 2 (6/22/2021) - Oscar often sleeps through my photo session attempts, but that doesn't stop him from adjusting in his sleep. He has to show more toe beans.
  • CPotD #506: Ill-Gotten Snores (6/23/2021) - Nutterbutter stole Udo's bed weeks ago and has completely laid claim to it since. Udo conceded the claim because he's a good cat brother.
  • CPotD #507: Udo’s New Spot (6/24/2021) - With the loss of his bed, Udo chose a new spot for his daily naps: right behind my office chair. He snugs his bed and my feet, so... bonus!
  • CPotD #508: Yes? (6/25/2021) - Not one to miss out on a trend, Stanley joined the claiming party with my half of the love seat. Brian found this at lunch the other day.
  • CPotD #509: Company (6/26/2021) - Since he was little, Oscar has kept Nutterbutter company when he feels cruddy. He drives his older brothers nuts, but he does love them.
  • CPotD #510: Happy Bear (6/27/2021) - Brian took Udo for a walk while I was at work the other day. Mr. Bear made a lot of new friends at the school playground on their way.
  • CPotD #511: Priority Snugs (6/28/2021) - Stanley loves us endlessly, and he thinks our first priority should be to hold him. Always, no matter what time it is or what we're doing.
  • CPotD #512: Hold Me Now (6/29/2021) - Oscar also loves us endlessly and wants us to hold him all the time. He likes to hop into our arms and crash while we're trying to work.
  • CPotD #513: The Drama (6/30/2021) - As home to three cats and an enormous hound, our house hosts a lot of drama. Someone is always arguing, and it's usually these two.

July, 2021

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  • CPotD #514: Artfully Snuggy (7/1/2021) - Oscar views early morning as prime snuggle hours. I almost always wake up with him draped across my stomach or wedged into my armpit.
  • CPotD #515: A Box Story, Part 1 (7/2/2021) - Stanley acquired a new box today. He fits, so he sits, and he claims it in perpetuity. Battles will surely ensue if I don't move it soon.
  • CPotD #516: A Box Story, Part 2 (7/3/2021) - Stanley defended his new box against Oscar's first attack today. Udo happened to help by distracting Oscar as he was about to charge.
  • CPotD #517: What (7/4/2021) - Oscar loves to use us as his bathing platform. He requires both hands and all our attention so he can beautify himself and chew on his tail.
  • CPotD #518: Supper Committee (7/5/2021) - Brian always has an audience when he cooks, but they pay extra attention when he makes beef stroganoff. They super love evenly sliced beef.
  • CPotD #519: Work Work (7/6/2021) - I went back to work today after a couple of extra days off around the holiday. Oscar has opinions about this.
  • CPotD #520: Beach Boi (7/7/2021) - We took Udo to the dog beach last Thursday morning and he had a fantastic time. He galloped, bounced, and made new friends.
  • CPotD #521: Nurse Boi (7/8/2021) - We hit the water along with Udo at the beach last Thursday. He loved it and we all had a great time playing in the sunshine and cool breezes.
  • CPotD #522: Greedy Grump (7/9/2021) - Oscar demands attention frequently. He's extremely greedy for pets and does not understand why they stop before he's ready.
  • CPotD #523: Faceplanting (7/10/2021) - Oscar does everything with gusto, especially sleep. He faceplants wherever he happens to be, which is often my lap. His latest includes Udo.
  • CPotD #524: Luxury Panther (7/11/2021) - We always refer to Stanley as a luxurious panther because his fur is so lush and he just has a regal air about him. Now he's Luxury Panther.
  • CPotD #525: Chore Blockade (7/12/2021) - Udo and Oscar dislike chore day. Usually, they have different ways of showing their dislike, but they decided to join forces this time.
  • CPotD #526: How Dare (7/13/2021) - Stanley also dislikes chore day because I move things around and his box forts disappear. He shows his dislike by making airplane ears at me.
  • CPotD #527: The Roll (7/14/2021) - Oscar lives to roll and he has two modes: murder roll and love roll. The other day, Brian caught a shot of him doing both simultaneously.
  • CPotD #528: Expectantly Regal (7/15/2021) - Being the lord of the manor, Stanley joins us for dinner every night. He sits on Brian's footrest fuzzing at us as he waits for his tribute.
  • CPotD #529: Dinner Doggo (7/16/2021) - Udo also joins us for dinner every night. Like Stanley, he abandons us to zonk out after he gets his rightful tribute.
  • CPotD #530: An Actual Purrito (7/17/2021) - Oscar sleeps with us most nights because he loves to and it's cooler here. We had the fan on last night, which resulted in this purrito.
  • CPotD #531: No Dogs Allowed (7/18/2021) - Nutterbutter stole Brian's beach towel and was very pleased about it. He slept so cutely I went to get a picture, but Udo woke him up.
  • CPotD #532: The Parapet (7/19/2021) - We bought a baby gate right after we arrived at the new house so we can keep the patio door open without the cats adventuring forth.
  • CPotD #533: Lord of the Blanket (7/20/2021) - Oscar decided to hang out on our beach blanket while I swept last night. He and Stanley battled over it like heathens until we put it away.
  • CPotD #534: In Position (7/21/2021) - Brian took over Udo's walking routine after we moved, and he very much approves of the continuation. He always waits for Brian by the door.
  • CPotD #535: Guardian Transfer (7/22/2021) - Udo guards me all the time. He's devoted his life to it since we first brought him home, but he might be transferring his watch to Brian.
  • CPotD #536: Salty Thief (7/23/2021) - Stanley steals my office chair every chance he gets. He does not like to return it, and he makes his opinion very clear when I come back.
  • CPotD #537: Snug Toy (7/24/2021) - Udo loves his toys, especially his maple leaf. We found it in a random sale bin at his favorite store last year and he's carried it since.
  • CPotD #538: Repurposed (7/25/2021) - Udo stopped using his bed the minute we moved to California. Why does he ignore it? Doesn't matter; Stanley has now repurposed that bed.
  • CPotD #539: Who Dares Disturb My Slumber (7/26/2021) - The dog is rambunctious when he plays. The more he plays, the more chaotic he gets. He played a LOT this morning.
  • CPotD #540: Recharging (7/27/2021) - With all the walking Udo and I have been doing, I have to charge my watch more. Ever the opportunist, Stanley found a chance to pilfer.
  • CPotD #541: Where the Food At? (7/28/2021) - I was trying to enjoy an ocean breeze and quiet moment when I heard grumpy muttering in my right ear. When 3:00 comes, the preaching begins.
  • CPotD #542: Kumbaya (7/29/2021) - We live in a dense urban area, so there are an ever-changing variety of people and critters, and Udo wants to meet every single one of them.
  • CPotD #543: Lanky Boi (7/30/2021) - Every once in a while, I manage to grab a picture of Oscar that shows he is, in fact, a perfectly normally proportioned cat.
  • CPotD #544: λ (7/31/2021) - Nutter has officially crossed into "Old Ass Cat" territory. He's now legal to drive in the US, though I'm sure as hell not telling him that.

August, 2021

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  • CPotD #545: KodaCat (8/1/2021) - Photographing Stan is like trying to shoot of a pile of charcoal briquettes on a black tarp in a sealed antechamber of a cave. With no flash.
  • CPotD #546: Truce (8/2/2021) - Stanley hassles Nutterbutter a lot, but lately he also just hangs out with him in his various chill spots. We see this more a lot often now.
  • CPotD #547: The Eye (8/3/2021) - Stanley likes to sleep, and he extra likes to sleep in spots that Nutterbutter has already haired up. He does not, however, like to be awoken.
  • CPotD #548: Proximity (8/4/2021) - Being a super affectionate cat, Oscar is all about proximity. Give him an entire king-sized bed and he will still choose to sleep next to you.
  • CPotD #549: Big Heart (8/5/2021) - Brian got this shot of Udo from the couch the other day and I adore it. His love, loyalty, and kindness just shine out through his eyes.
  • CPotD #550: Contentment (8/6/2021) - Nutterbutter has never been a huge fan of the brush, which gets problematic as he ages. He hates getting brushed, but he loves the results.
  • CPotD #551: Utterly Gone (8/7/2021) - Stanley has distinct reasons for picking the forts he does, and I suspect a lot of those reasons involve breezes. On breezy days, we get this.
  • CPotD #552: Pushy (8/8/2021) - As we've mentioned, Nutterbutter gets pushy in the afternoon when he decides it's time for dinner. He wants his early bird special. Right now.
  • CPotD #553: Coach Stanley (8/9/2021) - Stanley goes through the usual cat phases of hanging out with us or being strong and independent. Lately, he likes to coach us as we work out.
  • CPotD #554: Faint (8/10/2021) - Sometimes Oscar sleeps so hard I wonder if he actually just fainted. The way he faceplants when he's super tired supports this question.
  • CPotD #555: The Hoard (8/11/2021) - Cat toys tend to travel in this house, but they always end up together in Oscar's hoard. He likes to flop on the toy pile and kill them all.
  • CPotD #556: Beach Bear (8/12/2021) - We got a chance to take Udo back to the dog beach, so we made a day of it. He had the best time romping in the surf and making new friends.
  • CPotD #557: Beach Ears (8/13/2021) - We spent a lot of time soaking up the sun in our chairs on beach day. Udo prefers more activity, so he applied The Ears often.
  • CPotD #558: Tired Bear (8/14/2021) - Udo was so tired by the time we got home from the beach, he couldn't even get up to beg properly. He just flopped his chin on my foot rest.
  • CPotD #559: Sunday Hair Fair (8/15/2021) - Nutterbutter decided to claim the other end of the couch for his latest hair farm. He appears to be quite pleased with its progress.
  • CPotD #560: Moral Support (8/16/2021) - On today's episode of Goofy Selfies, we have a small cat intent on providing moral support to a disheveled woman. He does this a lot.
  • CPotD #561: Blog Dog (8/17/2021) - Udo finds writing blog posts to be quite boring, but he insists on keeping me company while I write about him. He also passes out every time.
  • CPotD #562: Morning Dreams (8/18/2021) - Nutterbutter found the perfect combination of light and shade for his morning nap. He slept so hard I was able to get several pictures.
  • CPotD #563: Morning Guardian (8/19/2021) - Stanley kept watch over Nutterbutter as he slept in the sunbeam yesterday. I love seeing them hang out together, and I love that Stan guards.
  • CPotD #564: Morning Brothers (8/20/2021) - Nutterbutter woke up and moved because I was being annoying with the camera. That just gave me a chance to catch a shot of them together.
  • CPotD #565: The Lair (8/21/2021) - Oscar stashes toys everywhere: our bed, Udo's bed, the furniture, etc. Only the most favored toys make it into The Lair, though.
  • CPotD #566: Best Bear (8/22/2021) - Udo enjoys romps in the morning sun, especially when he knows crunchies are about to happen. I asked him if he knew good bears get crunchies.
  • CPotD #567: Kitchen Sun (8/23/2021) - All of our cats like to lay in the sunlight that shines through our patio door in the morning. Sometimes they squabble over it. Not today.
  • CPotD #568: Bear Chair (8/24/2021) - Udo helps Brian with lunch while I'm at work, often from the comfort of my chair. When he steals it, it becomes the Bear Chair. He loves it.
  • CPotD #569: Cat’s-Ear View (8/25/2021) - Udo stayed in the Bear Chair while Oscar ambushed Brian on the couch, leading to this view. Tired dog oozes out of chair as cat looks on.
  • CPotD #570: Fan Cat (8/26/2021) - We've had some warm days as summer winds down, which means everyone flops in front of a fan in the afternoon. Oscar looks comfortably melted.
  • CPotD #571: Busted (8/27/2021) - Like many cats, Stanley has his dignity. He likes to look regal and impressive, which means he doesn't like to get caught kneading.
  • CPotD #572: Post-Exercise (8/28/2021) - Brian walks Udo every day while I'm at work, and it leads to some pretty glorious naps. He crashes so hard he sleeps with his eyes open.
  • CPotD #573: New Friend (8/29/2021) - Brian and Udo always make new friends while they're out walking. This week they ran into a lizard enjoying some morning sun on the sidewalk.
  • CPotD #574: ohshit.exe (8/30/2021) - Long ago, we were computer nerds. We also played World of Warcraft and every once in a while, one of the cats would get up and "help."
  • CPotD #575: Juggling Service (8/31/2021) - Idle hands are the devil's workshop? As a dork with too many synapses looking for trouble, my idle hands must be juggling Satan's balls.

September, 2021

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  • CPotD #576: Watching True Evil (9/1/2021) - Mom watches TV, Dad watches the dog, and the dog watches HIS baby, crashed out on the top of the cat tower.
  • CPotD #577: Throwback – Feral, My Ass (9/2/2021) - 15 years ago, Heather came home with a flea-infested feral kitten. Soon we realized a mound of new bullshit had been introduced to our lives.
  • CPotD #578: Mt. Catbeard (9/3/2021) - Stanley LOVES my beard, and he lives to Catbeard me, inception style (since I already have a big bushy fuck off beard.)
  • CPotD #579: Bloodstock Snuggin’ (9/4/2021) - While Heather watched her Judas Priest, she got chilled and needed a blankie. Oscar has 36 senses, and 35 of them involve blanket detection.
  • CPotD #580: Betrayal (9/5/2021) - Mr. Bear hates having his feet touched in any way. I suspect his previous family pulled on his toe floof, but he might just a drama king.
  • CPotD #581: Excuse Me (9/6/2021) - Nutterbutter expects his dinner at 4:20 pm sharp. The problem with this plan is that I am not home until almost 6:00 pm most nights. How dare.
  • CPotD #582: Yelling Panther (9/7/2021) - Stanley yells at us a lot. He yells when he wants affection, when he wants food, when he wants us to stop sneezing, and when he feels like it.
  • CPotD #583: Hi, There (9/8/2021) - While Brian took pictures of Stanley yelling yesterday, Oscar teleported in to assist. He does this often, and always lands with tail on feet.
  • CPotD #584: Uh, No (9/9/2021) - In the continuing Don't Touch My Feet saga, Brian explained to Udo that we needed to clip his nails again. Udo tried to stern-cute out of it.
  • CPotD #585: Bird Interruption (9/10/2021) - Nutterbutter and Oscar started the Yowl Train early today. They tried to get Brian to feed them before I got home, but birds distracted them.
  • CPotD #586: The Sentinel(s) (9/11/2021) - Having been raised by a dog, Stanley takes his guard-cat duties very seriously. He spends every afternoon atop his cat tower watching over us.
  • CPotD #587: Fishie Menace (9/12/2021) - Working away at his computer, Brian heard a huge scrabbling ruckus behind him. When he turned to see what was going on, he found this.
  • CPotD #588: Snuggle Brothers (9/13/2021) - Stanley hangs out with Nutterbutter a lot these days. I think he knows his brother is getting older and needs protection from the lonelies.
  • CPotD #589: Tired Bear (9/14/2021) - Udo loves to go for walks with us and he loves the naps that ensue when we get home. He seems to feel like a conquering hero.
  • CPotD #590: Fuzzbutt (9/15/2021) - Udo loves to go for walks with us and he loves the naps that ensue when we get home. He seems to feel like a conquering hero.
  • CPotD #591: Cool Bear (9/16/2021) - The end of summer here in LA has been pretty warm, especially for super fluffy bear dogs. As a result, Udo discovered the portable AC unit.
  • CPotD #592: Feeties (9/17/2021) - Udo and Oscar both have a thing for laying on my feet, but they usually do it when I'm sitting. Today, they waylaid me in the kitchen.
  • CPotD #593: Coffee Flats (9/18/2021) - Nutterbutter joins us for our Coffee Sits almost every morning. Normally, he'll curl up in my lap and use one of my hands for a pillow.
  • CPotD #594: Hey! (9/19/2021) - Stanley likes to help Brian make bread. And by help, I mean yell at him until he stops what he's doing and pets that soft, fuzzy belly.
  • CPotD #595: Monday (9/20/2021) - Oscar thinks Mondays are a load of baloney, so he does what we would all like to do. He sleeps through them. Usually on his face.
  • CPotD #596: S’up (9/21/2021) - Feeling well rested after their nap, Oscar and Udo gave their version of a thumbs up greeting. Afternoon sun and ocean breezes are conducive.
  • CPotD #597: Closeup (9/22/2021) - Nutterbutter sleeps a lot, as old boys do, but he applies his unique style to all naps. Stealing my arm and the console is a signature move.
  • CPotD #598: Clean Bear (9/23/2021) - Nobody rocks the spiky clean bear look like Udo. He celebrated his newfound cleanliness by tearing around the backyard like a maniac.
  • CPotD #599: The Tummy (9/24/2021) - While you can always lie down in our house, you can't always lie down without a cat in your face. You are 99% likely to be attacked by...
  • CPotD #600: Smug n’Sleep (9/25/2021) - Nutterbutter wins our 600th critter post! As the eldest of our brood, he has a place of honor and affection in the household. Such floof!
  • CPotD #601: Parcel Inspector (9/26/2021) - Stanley lets nothing prevent him from his duty to inspect all parcels that enter. This includes fan positioning and strength workouts.
  • CPotD #602: Betrayal (9/27/2021) - Brian had to run an errand after he dropped me off the other morning, which meant Udo couldn't go with us. His expression after says it all.
  • CPotD #603: Claimed (9/28/2021) - In his latest round of thievery, Nutterbutter solidified his claim on Udo's bed. We moved it for the dog thinking he would use it more there.
  • CPotD #604: The Spotter (9/29/2021) - The cats like to help us work out, especially when there's a sunbeam involved. Here Oscar displays his best spot position while Brian lifts.
  • CPotD #605: Warms (9/30/2021) - Mornings have been growing chillier lately, and this has led to a new rash of chair thefts. My spot with the heating pad seems extra popular.

October, 2021

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  • CPotD #606: Cat Hats, Part 1 (10/1/2021) - One of my lovely coworkers brought gifts for the cats! They are tiny hats, and we of course had to try them on (at great risk to our safety).
  • CPotD #607: Cat Hats, Part 2 (10/2/2021) - One of my lovely coworkers brought gifts for the cats! They are tiny hats, and we of course had to try them on (at great risk to our safety).
  • CPotD #608: Cat Hats, Part 3 (10/3/2021) - One of my lovely coworkers brought gifts for the cats! They are tiny hats, and we of course had to try them on (at great risk to our safety).
  • CPotD #609: Sleepy Teefies (10/4/2021) - Oscar sleeps on his back a lot, which often leads to an obscene display of cat teefies. His latest one takes the cake because bonus snarl.
  • CPotD #610: Adventure Bear (10/5/2021) - We got to go camping up in the mountains last week, and it was a glorious little adventure. Udo enjoyed being a regal doofus among the pines.
  • CPotD #611: Adventure Jays (10/6/2021) - We enjoyed a lot of wildlife on last week's adventure, including some friendly Steller's Jays. They were very interested in us and our food.
  • CPotD #612: Ambush Fort (10/7/2021) - Oscar jumped into my arms within two minutes of our return from camping. He then jumped down and zipped into his ambush fort to plot revenge.
  • CPotD #613: Comfort Cardboard (10/8/2021) - We left a couple of cardboard boxes for the cats to sit in while we were gone. Stanley liked this one so much we kept it after we got back.
  • CPotD #614: Mega Blep (10/9/2021) - Being a cat, Oscar loves to destroy things. One of the weirder objects of his destruction is cardboard. He can't resist tearing off the flaps.
  • CPotD #615: Shoulder Floof (10/10/2021) - Nutterbutter likes to switch up his nap spots on the regular. Lately, he's chosen our shoulders for the mid-afternoon snooze fest.
  • CPotD #616: Attack Cat (10/11/2021) - Oscar often hassles Stanley when they're on the cat tree, but he doesn't often do it with a righteous mlem. Brian caught this fantastic shot.
  • CPotD #617: Shameless (10/12/2021) - Stanley steals my chair a lot, but I have to admit he steals it with gusto. He makes sure to yell at us if we walk by and don't notice him.
  • CPotD #618: Contemplation (10/13/2021) - Udo hasn't slept in his bed since we got to California, but he has started to use it as a pillow. Here, he contemplates picking me up at work.
  • CPotD #619: The Pillbug (10/14/2021) - We watched The Thing for our Scary Movie Saturday last week, as you do in October. Oscar decided to curl up in Brian's lap for moral support.
  • CPotD #620: Morning Meds (10/15/2021) - Udo receives his medication every morning via chicken lunchmeat because he's a big prissy bear. Oscar also receives some because he's pushy.
  • CPotD #621: Disturbance (10/16/2021) - I caught Stanley and Nutterbutter snugging the other day and ran to get my camera. By the time I returned, they pretended it never happened.
  • CPotD #622: Photo Continuity (10/17/2021) - Oscar continues his tradition of fine photobombs as we move into another autumn. I was trying to capture Nutterbutter in a sunbeam.
  • CPotD #623: Night Beans, Part 1 (10/18/2021) - Stanley guards us on the cat tree every night, but he's been pulling double duty this month because horror movies. His toe beans are ready.
  • CPotD #624: Night Beans, Part 2 (10/19/2021) - Oscar also guards us while we watch horror movies, but he cares a lot less about the noise because he sleeps like the dead.
  • CPotD #625: Strength Coaches (10/20/2021) - Thanks to the excellent sunbeam our workout room receives, Nutterbutter joined the coaching team for our strength training. He judges all.
  • CPotD #626: Eh? (10/21/2021) - Oscar is an adorable little ray of sunshine, but he does not wake up gracefully. A loud truck startled him from a nap, gifting us with this.
  • CPotD #627: Fair Share (10/22/2021) - Stanley helps Brian eat his lunch every day, and Stanley always reminds Brian that he deserves a fair share of said lunch. Sharing is vital.
  • CPotD #628: Moving Pillows (10/23/2021) - Nutterbutter joins us almost every morning for coffee sits. Now that it's getting cooler, Stanley joins too, but he wishes we'd move less.
  • CPotD #629: The Call of Crunchies (10/24/2021) - Udo gets a lot of treats for being the best dog ever, and his favorite ones include peanut butter. He destroys these in two minutes flat.
  • CPotD #630: Snuggle Teef (10/25/2021) - Oscar upped his snuggle game this week, taking over Brian's arms whenever he got the chance. Brian documents for me, so we get extra teefies.
  • CPotD #631: The Adjustment (10/26/2021) - When Brian tries to get up before Oscar is ready, Oscar oozes up onto his shoulder and goes back to sleep. We call this move The Adjustment.
  • CPotD #632: Freshly Brushed (10/27/2021) - Being an elderly feline, Nutterbutter needs help keeping his fluffy coat lustrous. He enjoys getting brushed now, but he didn't always.
  • CPotD #633: Must You? (10/28/2021) - Stanley hates it when we sneeze. He yells at all of us for it, even Oscar, and he has a sixth sense for detecting upcoming sneezes. He knows.
  • CPotD #634: Distracted Bear (10/29/2021) - Udo loves to keep me company, but he does not love getting his picture taken and he gets distracted easily. This shot was an accident.
  • CPotD #635: But Why? (1000th post!) (10/30/2021) - In today's failed action shot, Udo exerts his preference to be quietly cute instead of loudly rambunctious. There was only one thing to do.
  • CPotD #636: Fuzzy Connection (10/31/2021) - Stanley decided to help with today's blog post by parking his voluminous rump on my ethernet cable. To be fair, the cable was in his spot.

November, 2021

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  • CPotD #637: Halloweek Part 1 (11/1/2021) - I think Oscar is a beautiful tuxedo cat, but sometimes he looks like a goblin. Brian caught an excellent example of this last week.
  • CPotD #638: Halloweek Part 2 (11/2/2021) - Being a big black cat, Stanley loves Halloween. It's his time of year. When he's not lurking spookily in windows, he gets his beauty sleep.
  • CPotD #639: Halloweek Part 3 (11/3/2021) - Not to be outdone in the beauty sleep category, Nutterbutter joined us for a scary movie. Naturally, he passed out halfway through.
  • CPotD #640: Halloweek Part 4 (11/4/2021) - Udo also loves Halloween because he gets to urf at all the kids and get tons of pets. He got into the spirit this year with his new bandana.
  • CPotD #641: Halloweek Part 5 (11/5/2021) - Oscar always keeps me safe during our scary movie marathons in October. His cuteness protects me from the worst of gore and jump scares.
  • CPotD #642: Halloweek Part 6 (11/6/2021) - When he isn't busy protecting me, Oscar is the Halloween Ambush King. Brian almost became his latest victim getting this shot.
  • CPotD #643: Halloweek Part 7 (11/7/2021) - We enjoyed our first spooky season in our new home and look forward to many more. The whole family enjoyed this year's Halloweek.
  • CPotD #644: Hold (11/8/2021) - Oscar spends a lot of time on us, either being held or assuming his famous Dead Shrimp pose. When on Brian, he especially loves to face plant.
  • CPotD #645: Grump Ears (11/9/2021) - Nutterbutter likes his favorite spot on the couch, so he supervised us distrustfully when we switched out TVs. He prefers his turf as-is.
  • CPotD #646: Keeeeesss Meeeee (11/10/2021) - Stanley loves Brian. He loves him more than cheese or chicken, and that's why he gives lots of kisses. He delivers said kisses with velocity.
  • CPotD #647: Mountain Blep (11/11/2021) - We went camping this last weekend to experience the autumn weather in the mountains. Udo loved it, as can be seen by this perfect blep.
  • CPotD #648: Sun Bear (11/12/2021) - Udo enjoyed our second mountain trip very much. It was cold enough that he could enjoy some sunbeams without getting too hot.
  • CPotD #649: Hidden Critters (11/13/2021) - We spent a lot of time moving about our campsite chasing sunbeams and enjoying the views. Many puffed up birds haunted the trees above us
  • CPotD #650: Forgiven (11/14/2021) - Being a super affectionate little cat, Oscar hates it when we leave. Being a cat in general, he has to punish us every time we take a trip.
  • CPotD #651: Reclaimed (11/15/2021) - Nutterbutter reclaimed my lap as soon as we got back last week. He continues to hold his claim against Oscar, who thinks that is some bull.
  • CPotD #652: A Rare Snug (11/16/2021) - Udo was so tired the other night he actually went to sleep in his bed. Normally, he just uses it as a pillow and flops across the cat toys.
  • CPotD #653: Beard Love (11/17/2021) - Stanley loves Brian. He also loves Brian's beard and likes to sleep with his face buried in it when I'm not looking. He's an affection ninja.
  • CPotD #654: Snoring Companion (11/18/2021) - Oscar keeps Brian company during the day. He prefers to be more paws on, but he often steals my chair instead for a good snore session.
  • CPotD #655: Weight Room Sunning (11/19/2021) - Nutterbutter likes our weight room. He enjoys the quiet and the excellent array of sunbeams that move across the room during the day.
  • CPotD #656: Double-Teamed (11/20/2021) - Oscar and Udo really dislike that I work in an office now, so they've started collaborating on Morning Delay Mode. It's super effective.
  • CPotD #657: Morning Sentries (11/21/2021) - Stanley and Oscar share sentry duty for the house after we leave for work in the morning. Brian often returns to find them at their post.

December, 2021

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2021: Jan | Feb | Mar | Apr | May | Jun | Jul | Aug | Sep | Oct | Nov | Dec

  • CPotD #658: Break Time is OVER. (12/6/2021) - We took a 2 week break, but now we're back. Large and in charge? Joke go brr? Whatever, we're back. Revel in new cute pics!
  • CPotD #659: Bed Demon (12/7/2021) - While we were on shitpost sabbatical, we flopped around the house in undignified positions. By "we," I mean "me," as someone else was at work.
  • CPotD #660: Tiny Hat (12/8/2021) - After a year best be described as "OH JESUS GO AAH WTF OUCH OH GOD WHAT THE F..", we've hit the holidays. That means tiny hats on big dogs.
  • CPotD #661: Tree Helper, Pt. I (12/9/2021) - Thanksgiving has come and gone, and we all know what that means: The Tree is coming out. When the tree appears, Nutter is here for it.
  • CPotD #662: Beard Blanket (12/10/2021) - For whatever reason, Stanley really loves my beard. Since I became a wizard, he loves it even more, because now he can really burrow into it.
  • CPotD #663: Catspiracy (12/11/2021) - I think I'm a victim of a vast, criminal conspiracy. The cats are all determined to make me sleep my life away, just like they do.
  • CPotD #664: Tree Helper, Pt II (12/12/2021) - Nutter thought he pulled a fast one, sucking on The Tree's branches and stopping before I took a picture. Luckily, I always take several.
  • CPotD #665: Hold Me. (12/13/2021) - Now that winter is here, it's cooler. Since we live near the coast, the temperatures are very mild, so we don't have to run the heater a lot.
  • CPotD #666: The Prince of Darkness (12/15/2021) - Today, we render unto Him that which is due and bequeath his blessing upon our shaggy mortal flesh, for his smile shall end this world.
  • CPotD #667: Cat vs. Faux News (12/16/2021) - Cats are consummate liars. They lie about absolutely everything. They also hate anything and anyone who also lie, especially Faux News.
  • CPotD #668: WTF Friday (12/17/2021) - Even though I'm no longer a worthwhile American and A Very Bad Person, it's still hard coded into my lizard-brain to be happier on Fridays.
  • CPotD #669: Cardwarrior (12/18/2021) - Oscar is a sweet, affectionate, loving, needy, toasty, squeaky little ball of snot and fur. He's also dumb as hell
  • CPotD #670: Dapper Dog (12/19/2021) - One of the effects of Oscar's Cardboard Warrior antics is that we end up with small bits and pieces of detritus all over the house.
  • CPotD #671: Chestnuts (12/20/2021) - I've mentioned before that I'm a semi-retired nuclear furnace. I run hot all the time. It's the reason the cats love me (Heather included).
  • CPotD #672: Pileup (12/21/2021) - Since we don't run the heater much, the poor bedraggled felines are left to their own devices to scavenge warmth wherever they can.

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