Posted in: Technology, Writing

Tech Tuesday #003: Making a Basic Table of Contents in Microsoft Word

Many of us use Microsoft Word in our day-to-day work. If you create lengthy documents on the regular, you’ll need a Table of Contents (TOC) at some point. In this week’s Tech Tuesday post I’ll show you how quick and easy it can be in Word 2010-2013.

Posted in: Business, Technology

Tech Tuesday #002: Protect Your Work (Word)

Everyone who works in an office where others have access to your files knows the pit in your stomach you feel when you open your prized proposal, presentation, or spreadsheet, only to realize Ted saved his grocery list over it five minutes before the big meeting.

For this installment of Tech Tuesday, we’ll be looking at some simple methods to protect your Microsoft Word files. Many workplaces use Microsoft Office, so that’s what we’ll focus on, but the suggestions still apply to other programs. Only the implementation will be different.

Posted in: Technology

Tech Tuesday #001: How to Deal With a Tech Scam

The Microsoft Support tech scam isn’t new, but it’s becoming more prevalent in areas where it hasn’t been seen much- in this case, Oklahoma. Here’s what you can do to spot and respond to one of these scam calls.

Welcome to a (hopefully) recurring series of posts on Since I’ve worked in IT throughout my entire adult life, I’ve picked up a few tips and tricks that I wanted to share with you all. I had a few ideas for what I wanted this first post to be, but a coworker’s experience made me change my mind at the last moment.

Posted in: Business, Technology

Fitbit: Taking Care of Business

Sometimes a company surprises you by showing you that they value your business. This is how Fitbit transformed me from a customer into a cheerleader.

This is part one of a multi-part post about customer service and how to treat your customers like a valued person rather than a line in a database.

Posted in: Home & Garden, Technology, Writing

New Digs.

Heather and I have lived, loved, and (occasionally) worked along side one another for many years now. In one of those semi-spur-of-the-moment outbursts I’m prone to, after an otherwise innocent comment by her about a minor dissatisfaction with her blog at The Spotted Cat, she woke up Saturday morning to find that I’d spent the night before […]

Posted in: Home & Garden, Technology

Updates and Technology

We’ve made some changes around here since the Creepy McJerkface event. Thanks to Brian and his judicious application of technology, I feel a lot safer these days. If someone tries to bust into the house now, they’ll be greeted by an ear-splitting siren followed shortly by the police. We’ll even be able to provide a […]

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