Featured Image: Looking For a Few Good Books via internetmonk.com
I’ve been Sicky McBlarghpants the last couple of days, which has made me extra grumpy (boo) but given me extra time to read (yay). Here’s a list of what’s run through my cranial mill lately in case you’re in search of a new book.
Magic Bites by Ilona Andrews
My friend Stacey recommended this series to me as a prime example of the “show, don’t tell” principle of writing. She was correct, and the story sucked me right in. I dig urban fantasy anyway, but Andrews presented a unique take on old concepts and put together a tasty plot. I finished it in two days and am now on the waiting list for Book 2. Side note: the Oklahoma digital library rocks. And it’s funny that I wound up being friends with not one, but two awesome librarians. Sometimes the world works as it should.
Storm in a Teacup by Emmie Mears
Also an urban fantasy novel, Storm has a cool premise and, for me, a relatable protagonist. I have a thing for stories with independent women. You can thank my mom and Barbara Michaels for that. I enjoyed how Mears layered the supernatural world on top of the normal as something most people were aware of but didn’t always notice in their day to day. It was such an engrossing read I actually wrote a review for it on Amazon. I found this one through a guest post she wrote for Chuck Wendig’s place. She has a great blog and is also fun on Twitter, so check her out.
The Old Man’s War Series by John Scalzi
The opening paragraph of the first book was so good I had to stop and sit in wonder. Scalzi created one of the most immersive worlds I’ve ever read. Falling into it was so easy, and all three of the books I’ve read have stuck with me. I’m still waiting for Zoe’s Tale to become available at the library; otherwise I would have read the whole series by now. Best of all, he’s working on the next novel in the series! I found Scalzi through Twitter. Someone retweeted him and I thought he was funny, so I followed and checked out his books (Redshirts was also a fun read). Social media works, ya’ll.
Cooties aside, being able to read this much feels like basking in sunlight after being trapped underground for years. It’s good for my brain and it makes me happy. And, thanks to the wonders of the internet, my To Read list grows daily. Have you read any of these and want to discuss? Have you read something else lately that stood out? Leave thoughts or recommendations for us in the comments!
Oh, and Brandon… the combis are coming.