It’s been a busy 6 weeks at the Orks and Cats homestead, and we’re in the Final Countdown. We actually move in less than 48 hours! We’re overdue for a move update, but better late than never, right? We’ve both been packing like fiends, throwing out things we thought we needed, and moving a little bit of detritus each day.
Every now and then we have to stop and realize that we found out the owners of our home were going to sell it less than two months ago. They told the manager, who told us, right after we signed the new lease. We think they assumed that we’d agree to buy the home since we were clearly happy here. They were right about the second part, but they wanted more than we were willing to pay. They also wouldn’t entertain things like inspections, a realtor, or really any of the normal buyer protections. Even if they were 100% on the level (and I believe they are), there’s no world in which I’m going to burn hundreds of thousands of dollars without a whole village of people vetting the deal and making sure everything is done right.
It worked out beautifully. We found a house we loved and got it for what seems to be a very fair eye-watering price. The house is in great shape and only needed token work to fix a few things. So, over the last month we have:
- Replaced the kitchen counters, which were broken by the sink and were pretty ugly anyway
- Changed out the sink and garbage disposal. Due to improper installation, they didn’t drain
- Replaced a toilet that had developed a leak; it was just the wax ring but I noticed the bowl had a hairline crack and Homey Don’t Play That
- Had a builder come in and make a wall/cabinet for our fridge
While all of that was going on, we took on some upgrades ourselves as well. We:
- Built an IT server/infrastructure closet in the office. This meant installing some ventilation, getting power, and getting access to the attic
- Ran network lines around the interior and exterior of the house
- Used those network lines to install a suite of security cameras
- Installed a video doorbell so we don’t have to answer the door if we don’t wanna
- Installed an upgraded alarm system. Ours was 7 years old and due to be replaced. Yep, we’re still with SimpliSafe!
- Ran a water line from the sink and our new reverse osmosis system to the fridge
Running the water line and running the ethernet lines meant crawling under the house and around the attic respectively. The tiny better half of the marriage did it happily and brilliantly. How many guys are lucky enough to marry a galaxy-brained SpaceX person who’s ALSO willing to crawl in muck for them? Yeah. This guy.
We’ll share a few pictures after moving, but in the meantime, here are a couple to tide you over.
While all this was going on, we dealt with all the million phone calls and trips to coordinate, approve, pay, and bitch about all the various things going on while also getting our current home ready to turn back over to the owners. Some days it feels like we haven’t accomplished anything. We’re so tired we can barely keep our eyes open by 8PM most days.
But then we remember it’s been 2 months since we found out we were going to have to find a house, and maybe, just maybe, we feel like we’re a little bit badass. It’s possible we might have ice cream on days like that.
You know… as a treat.