When he isn’t busy protecting me, Oscar is the Halloween Ambush King. Brian almost became his latest victim getting this shot.
Category: Pets
CPotD #641: Halloweek Part 5
Oscar always keeps me safe during our scary movie marathons in October. His cuteness protects me from the worst of gore and jump scares.
CPotD #640: Halloweek Part 4
Udo also loves Halloween because he gets to urf at all the kids and get tons of pets. He got into the spirit this year with his new bandana.
CPotD #639: Halloweek Part 3
Not to be outdone in the beauty sleep category, Nutterbutter joined us for a scary movie. Naturally, he passed out halfway through.
CPotD #638: Halloweek Part 2
Being a big black cat, Stanley loves Halloween. It’s his time of year. When he’s not lurking spookily in windows, he gets his beauty sleep.
CPotD #637: Halloweek Part 1
I think Oscar is a beautiful tuxedo cat, but sometimes he looks like a goblin. Brian caught an excellent example of this last week.
CPotD #636: Fuzzy Connection
Stanley decided to help with today’s blog post by parking his voluminous rump on my ethernet cable. To be fair, the cable was in his spot.
CPotD #635: But Why? (1000th post!)
In today’s failed action shot, Udo exerts his preference to be quietly cute instead of loudly rambunctious. There was only one thing to do.
CPotD #634: Distracted Bear
Udo loves to keep me company, but he does not love getting his picture taken and he gets distracted easily. This shot was an accident.
CPotD #633: Must You?
Stanley hates it when we sneeze. He yells at all of us for it, even Oscar, and he has a sixth sense for detecting upcoming sneezes. He knows.