CPotD #291: I Miss Mom

As the Cat’s been gone on her Grand Adventure, we’ve kept in touch with frequent video calls in the evening. Sometimes, I don’t feel like wearing my headphones, so her voice comes over the speakers. That means the menagerie can hear her. When that happens, they ALL come in to the room to see.

After a bit of snorfling around, Udo realized that he wasn’t going to find her hiding under my chair. He couldn’t find her in the cabinets. Seeing her on the screen didn’t really compute, so he just laid down to hear her voice and look at me forlornly.

It broke my heart a little that he doesn’t understand language fully, because I told him a hundred times: “She’s coming home tomorrow, buddy!”

If I have to drive out to LA and get her myself, she’s coming home tomorrow.

2 thoughts on “CPotD #291: I Miss Mom”

  1. I have enjoyed adventures of the animals through your eyes. That being said, I’m happy mom is coming home and look forward to seeing all the happy snuggle posts!! The world isn’t right when mom is gone!! So excited for all of your family’s upcoming adventures!!

    1. They’re definitely all ready, no doubt about it. But I think the dog has gotten used to sleeping in her spot in the bed when I’m gone, so they might have to renegotiate that. I suspect a couple of kisses and a crunchy treat will move him right along.. Glad you’ve enjoyed my lower-quality verbings, and whooooo boy are we excited too. And scared. And pretty much every other emotion up in the mix. It’s a weird thing. Amazing, great… and weird.

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