Rest In Peace, Leonard Nimoy (1931-2015)

Leonard Nimoy died today after a long and fruitful life. I didn’t know him. I knew his work and the characters he so richly brought to life.

He helped shaped my world view through his portrayal of Spock, and I’m a better person for it.

“Popularity is the very crumbs of greatness,” he quoted in a commencement address he delivered in 2012. He was a great actor and a fine human being, and I feel small today from the knowledge that he is gone. The world is a bit darker today.

LLAP, Mr. Nimoy. Thank you.

Rest In Peace, Leonard Nimoy (1931-2015) Read More »


Working from home has become a polarizing issue as more companies adopt the practice (or rescind it… I’m looking at you, Yahoo). After seeing an endless stream of articles intended to help more sociable employees take the plunge successfully, I decided to post my own take on the subject: from the perspective of an introvert.

Remoteness Read More »

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